Mosaic Core Tags

PAGE STATUS: early draft

Tags rat are laid out as follows:

0           2      3         256 max
| type      | len  | value ...|
  • [0:2] - The type
  • [2:3] - The length of the entire tag including the 3 byte header This must be at least 3.
  • [3:] - The value, which is at most 253 bytes long.
Notify Public Key
Nostr Sister Event
Content Segment: User Mention
Content Segment: Server Mention
Content Segment: Quote
Content Segment: URL
Content Segment: Image
Content Segment: Video

Notify Public Key


      0       2    3                  8
 0x0  +-------------------------------+ 0
      |  0x1  |0x28|       0x0        |
 0x8  +-------------------------------+ 8
      | PUBLIC KEY 1/4                |
 0x10 +-------------------------------+ 16
      | PUBLIC KEY 2/4                |
 0x18 +-------------------------------+ 24
      | PUBLIC KEY 3/4                |
 0x20 +-------------------------------+ 32
      | PUBLIC KEY 4/4                |
 0x28 +-------------------------------+ 40
  • [0:2] - The type 0x1 as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer
  • [2:3] - The length 0x28
  • [3:8] - Zeroed
  • [8:40] - public key (32 bytes)

Records with this tag indicate that the record is of interest to the person identified by that public key (as their master key). Being tagged as such, it SHOULD be delivered to all of this persons' INBOX servers as specified in their bootstrap record.



      0       2   3          6         8
 0x0  +-------------------------------+ 0
      |  0x2  |0x38|   0     |  KIND  |
 0x8  +-------------------------------+ 8
      | REFERENCE 1/6                 |
 0x10 +-------------------------------+ 16
      | REFERENCE 2/6                 |
 0x18 +-------------------------------+ 24
      | REFERENCE 3/6                 |
 0x20 +-------------------------------+ 32
      | REFERENCE 4/6                 |
 0x28 +-------------------------------+ 40
      | REFERENCE 5/6                 |
 0x30 +-------------------------------+ 48
      | REFERENCE 6/6                 |
 0x38 +-------------------------------+ 56
  • [0:2] - The type 0x2 as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer
  • [2:3] - The length 0x38
  • [3:6] - Zeroed
  • [6:8] - The kind
  • [8:56] - The reference (48 bytes)

This is a reply to another record in a threading sense.

KIND is a 2-byte record kind indicating the kind of record that this one replies to. Replies are application-independent and may reference records of any type. This information is provided to prevent lookup of records of kinds that software is not able to or does not wish to handle.

REFERENCE is a 48-byte reference to some other record indicating which other record this record replies to.

If a record includes this tag, it must also include a Root tag as well.



      0       2   3          6        8
 0x0  +-------------------------------+ 0
      |  0x3  |0x38|    0    |  KIND  |
 0x8  +-------------------------------+ 8
      | REFERENCE 1/6                 |
 0x10 +-------------------------------+ 16
      | REFERENCE 2/6                 |
 0x18 +-------------------------------+ 24
      | REFERENCE 3/6                 |
 0x20 +-------------------------------+ 32
      | REFERENCE 4/6                 |
 0x28 +-------------------------------+ 40
      | REFERENCE 5/6                 |
 0x30 +-------------------------------+ 48
      | REFERENCE 6/6                 |
 0x38 +-------------------------------+ 56
  • [0:2] - The type 0x3 as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer
  • [2:3] - The length 0x38
  • [3:6] - Zeroed
  • [6:8] - The kind
  • [8:56] - The reference (48 bytes)

This indicates the root of the reply thread. This is to support loading an entire thread in one round trip.

KIND is a 2-byte record kind indicating the kind of record that the root record is. Threads are application-independent and may reference records of any type. This information is provided to prevent lookup of records of kinds that software is not able to or does not wish to handle.

REFERENCE is a 48-byte reference to some other record which is the root of the thread.

If a record includes this tag, it must also include a Reply tag as well.

Nostr Sister Event


      0       2    3                  8
 0x0  +-------------------------------+ 0
      |  0x8  |0x28|       0x0        |
 0x8  +-------------------------------+ 8
      | NOSTR ID 1/4                  |
 0x10 +-------------------------------+ 16
      | NOSTR ID 2/4                  |
 0x18 +-------------------------------+ 24
      | NOSTR ID 3/4                  |
 0x20 +-------------------------------+ 32
      | NOSTR ID 4/4                  |
 0x28 +-------------------------------+ 40
  • [0:2] - The type 0x8 as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer
  • [2:3] - The length 0x38
  • [3:8] - Zeroed
  • [8:40] - The Nostr ID (32 bytes)

For dual-stack clients that produce Nostr events alongside Mosaic records, and who want to track replies on sister events in nostr as well as here in Mosaic, this is a pointer to the sister event in nostr.

NOTE: The nostr sister event will have a "mosaic" tag that contains the hex of the id of its Mosaic sister record.



      0       2    3   4              8
 0x0  +-------------------------------+ 0
      |  0x10 |0x28|    0x0           |
 0x8  +-------------------------------+ 8
      | PUBLIC SUBKEY 1/4             |
 0x10 +-------------------------------+ 16
      | PUBLIC SUBKEY 2/4             |
 0x18 +-------------------------------+ 24
      | PUBLIC SUBKEY 3/4             |
 0x20 +-------------------------------+ 32
      | PUBLIC SUBKEY 4/4             |
 0x28 +-------------------------------+ 40
  • [0:2] - The type 0x10 as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer
  • [2:3] - The length 0x28
  • [3:8] - Zeroed
  • [8:40] - The subkey public key

This is used only on key schedule records so that clients can look up a subkey to verify it's association to a master key.

Content Segment: User Mention


      0       2    3   4              8
 0x0  +-------------------------------+ 0
      |  0x20 |0x28|0x0|   OFFSET     |
 0x8  +-------------------------------+ 8
      | PUBLIC KEY 1/4                |
 0x10 +-------------------------------+ 16
      | PUBLIC KEY 2/4                |
 0x18 +-------------------------------+ 24
      | PUBLIC KEY 3/4                |
 0x20 +-------------------------------+ 32
      | PUBLIC KEY 4/4                |
 0x28 +-------------------------------+ 40
  • [0:2] - The type 0x20 as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer
  • [2:3] - The length 0x28
  • [3:4] - Zeroed
  • [4:8] - The offset as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer.
  • [8:40] - public key (32 bytes)

This is a mention of a person.

OFFSET is the offset into the content where the mention appears.

PUBLIC_KEY is the master public key of the person mentioned.

Note that this is different from a Notify Public Key tag which indicates the event should be delivered to that person. Instead, this tag indicates that a @name for the person should be rendered when rendering the content.

Content Segment: Server Mention


      0       2    3   4              8
 0x0  +-------------------------------+ 0
      |  0x21 |0x28|0x0|   OFFSET     |
 0x8  +-------------------------------+ 8
      | PUBLIC KEY 1/4                |
 0x10 +-------------------------------+ 16
      | PUBLIC KEY 2/4                |
 0x18 +-------------------------------+ 24
      | PUBLIC KEY 3/4                |
 0x20 +-------------------------------+ 32
      | PUBLIC KEY 4/4                |
 0x28 +-------------------------------+ 40
  • [0:2] - The type 0x20 as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer
  • [2:3] - The length 0x28
  • [3:4] - Zeroed
  • [4:8] - The offset as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer.
  • [8:40] - public key (32 bytes)

This is a mention of a server.

OFFSET is the offset into the content where the mention appears.

PUBLIC_KEY is the public key of the server.

Content Segment: Quote


      0       2   3   4               8
 0x0  +-------------------------------+ 0
      |  0x22 |0x40| 0|    OFFSET     |
 0x8  +-------------------------------+ 8
      |     0x0               | KIND  |
 0x10 +-------------------------------+ 16
      | REFERENCE 1/6                 |
 0x18 +-------------------------------+ 24
      | REFERENCE 2/6                 |
 0x20 +-------------------------------+ 32
      | REFERENCE 3/6                 |
 0x28 +-------------------------------+ 40
      | REFERENCE 4/6                 |
 0x30 +-------------------------------+ 48
      | REFERENCE 5/6                 |
 0x38 +-------------------------------+ 56
      | REFERENCE 6/6                 |
 0x40 +-------------------------------+ 64
  • [0:2] - The type 0x22 as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer
  • [2:3] - The length 0x30
  • [3:4] - Zeroed
  • [4:8] - The offset as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer.
  • [8:14] - Zeroed
  • [14:16] - The kind of the quoted record
  • [16:64] - The id (48 bytes) of the quoted record

OFFSET is the offset into the content where the mention appears.

KIND is a 2-byte record kind indicating the kind of record that this one replies to. Replies are application-independent and may reference records of any type. This information is provided to prevent lookup of records of kinds that software is not able to or does not wish to handle.

REFERENCE is a 48-byte reference to the quoted record.

Content Segment: URL


      0       2    3   4              8
 0x0  +-------------------------------+ 0
      |  0x24 |LEN |0x0|   OFFSET     |
 0x8  +-------------------------------+ 8
      | URL...                        |
  • [0:2] - The type 0x24 as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer
  • [2:3] - The length of the tag (8 + the length of the URL)
  • [3:4] - Zeroed
  • [4:8] - The offset as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer.
  • [8:] - The URL to be included (up to 248 bytes long)

OFFSET is the offset into the content where the mention appears.

URL is the URL to be inserted at the offset.

This is a URL to a web page.

Content Segment: Image


      0       2    3   4              8
 0x0  +-------------------------------+ 0
      |  0x25 |LEN |0x0|   OFFSET     |
 0x8  +-------------------------------+ 8
      | URL...                        |
  • [0:2] - The type 0x25 as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer
  • [2:3] - The length of the tag (8 + the length of the URL)
  • [3:4] - Zeroed
  • [4:8] - The offset as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer.
  • [8:] - The URL to be included (up to 248 bytes long)

OFFSET is the offset into the content where the mention appears.

URL is the URL to be inserted at the offset.

This is a URL to an image

Content Segment: Video


      0       2    3   4              8
 0x0  +-------------------------------+ 0
      |  0x26 |LEN |0x0|   OFFSET     |
 0x8  +-------------------------------+ 8
      | URL...                        |
  • [0:2] - The type 0x26 as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer
  • [2:3] - The length of the tag (8 + the length of the URL)
  • [3:4] - Zeroed
  • [4:8] - The offset as a little-endian encoded unsigned integer.
  • [8:] - The URL to be included (up to 248 bytes long)

OFFSET is the offset into the content where the mention appears.

URL is the URL to be inserted at the offset.

This is a URL to a video